Create a climbing, soaring, balancing, swinging, fun, aerial celebration
they will remember forever!

Climb, soar, spin, & bend on Aerial Sling, and Trapeze. You and your friends will have 60 fun minutes to explore the amazing world of aerial arts all under the guidance of our coaches. We encourage the birthday guest of honor and their friends to grab a prop and strike a pose for the aerial group photo before we head off to the party room for the rest of the time. The party room is a great place for celebrating the last 30 minutes with food, cake, birthday singing, photos and farewells. You provide the treats, we provide the fun!
$160 for up to 8 participants (includes birthday host). $80.00 deposit required for reservation. Deposit is refundable if canceled within 7 days. ($15 extra per participant - so we can hire another coach)
Extra 30 minutes of aerial time in the studio - $60.
Book your party today by clicking HERE to create a profile.
(This link will take you to the Artz N’ Motion Mindbody billing program)
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Click on party
Click on party $80.00
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Book your party
Your 90 minute party includes:
1 hr. of fun in the studio and 30 minutes of food and cake time
*1 Aerial Instructor
*The birthday host will receive an Artz N’ Motion t-shirt.
*Studio set up and clean up